VO2 Max Testing
What is VO2 Max Testing?
Have you ever wondered how effective your training/workout routine is? By conducting VO2 tests we can accurately gauge the results your training is producing and make adjustments accordingly. Vo2 testing reveals the exercise level that will optimize your ability to burn fat and to increase cardio strength. Vo2 is the rate of oxygen uptake, or consumption, measured during exercise. As the intensity (workload) increases during your exercise test, your body responds differently at the various levels of exercise. Your body starts out using aerobic energy (fat) sources and gradually converts it over to anaerobic (carbohydrates) energy sources. These are different physiological “Zones” of your metabolism. This test will find these physiological zones and use your heart rate as a landmark as to where these critical metabolic changes occur.
A VO2 measurement will provide a true assessment of your fitness level. Most cookie cutter field metabolic tests estimate what your workload/heart rate zones should be. This specific metabolic test takes the guesswork out of the equation by giving you EXACTLY what is happening with your physiology during exercise by directly analyzing your gas exchange (composition of each breath). This 15-20 min test will provide all of the data (correct heart rate zones) that is vital to proper fitness training and weight maintenance or weight loss. You can use these results to train longer at a higher intensity with less effort. In addition, the Vo2 test will measure how many calories you are burning during a workout at every heart rate level.

Why should you choose us for VO2 Max Testing?
Learn your Caloric Burn Rate
Learn to Exercise More Effectively
Burn Fat More Efficiently
How can OptimisSportPT help you recover?
At OptimisSportPT, we know that healthy, strong patients recover faster from life’s challenges. That’s why we’ve designed treatments and programs to help empower you to make healthier choices, every day. Our experts can evaluate your fitness and create a supervised exercise and nutrition program just for you. We’ll show you how to boost your unique metabolism, burn calories, add muscle, and eat better — while having fun doing it.
What benefits does VO2 Max Testing provide?

Gauge the Results of Your Training

Optimize Your Ability to Burn Fat

Learn How to Achieve Your Weight Goals

Train Harder with Less Effort